In ruby you can check ranges via de 'range' language construct. For example: (12..23).include?( value).
But how about chaining '<', '<=', '=>' and '>' operators.
For example. currently in Ruby I must write the following
if 10 < x && x < 15 # code end
Why isn't it possible to write
if 10 < x < 15 # code end
Well in fact it is possible with some hacks :)
The example below is only valid for Fixnum, but it describes the possibilities:
The hack is to just simply return the right hand. In Ruby this shouldn't be a problem, because every object/values is true except false and nil.
class Fixnum def <(val) super ? val : false end def <=(val) super ? val : false end def >(val) super ? val : false end def >=(val) super ? val : false end end
To make this work the FalseClass should also support these operators, and simply return false to make the complete expression return false if one of them fails:
class FalseClass def <(val) false end alias :<= :< alias :> :< alias :>= :< end
So 10 < x just returns 'x' on succes and returns false on error. [code language="ruby"] if 10 < x < 15 # code end [/code] I'm wondering what could/would be the 'problem' by using this construct? Is there a specific reason this has not been implemented this way? BTW: just found a 'nice' implementation for this construct on:
[:<, :>, :<=, :>=].each do |operator| [Float, Fixnum, Comparable].each do |klass| klass.class_eval { alias_method("__#{operator}__", operator) define_method(operator) do |operand| send("__#{operator}__", operand) and operand end } end FalseClass.send(:define_method, operator) { false } end