Today I simply run a plain normal update on my FreeBSD server of the Apache server. Usually this works out without any problems.
But tonight, big panic!
The rails applications didn't start anymore.
I received a Forbidden Message. (Directory listing isn't allowed). Passenger wasn't working anymore.
So I started trying several things:
- Trying to recompile passenger. No success.
- Trying to upgrade an recompile passenger, No succes.
- I was about to downgrade Apache to the previous version. (Which is a bit hard with the shared FreeBSD Port system, running in a jail. Stupid me had thrown away the previous binary)
Thanks to the google-gods I've found the following issue
It seems the autoindex module isn't compatible with Passenger anymore..
For the moment I temporary solved it by disabling the autoindex module of Apache in httpd.conf
#LoadModule autoindex_module libexec/apache24/
* Note to self *
Never throw away the previous installed package binary.