Somethimes you want to do something conditionally depending on a boolean.
(I don't like the double question mark in ternary-if)
For example:
# add a class to an element
tag.div(class: selected? ? "sample" : nil)
# executing code conditionaly:
if selected?
#.. code
This code could be rewritten like this:
# add a class to an element
tag.div(class: selected? { "sample" })
# executing code conditionaly: (this could be done, no per se an improvement)
selected? do
#.. code
To use the construct above, give the boolean operation the following content.
- if a block is given and the condition is true it invokes the block else it returns nil
- if no block is given, the boolean is returned
def selected?
return selected? ? yield : nil if block_given?