When you to view/edit a large json file on the unix command line you can use the jq
pkg install jq
It can be used to pretty-print json
jq . file.json
Or to perform queries on it. (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/)
There are 2 posts tagged tools (this is page 1 of 1).
When you to view/edit a large json file on the unix command line you can use the jq
pkg install jq
It can be used to pretty-print json
jq . file.json
Or to perform queries on it. (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/)
I've decided to use Mantis Bugtracker as the bugtracking tool for libhttpd. This is the tool I already was using before placing it on sourceforge. And I've got pretty good experience with it.
There's one problem, I would like to make others post bug reports directly into Mantis. The problem is that Mantis doesn't have a Captcha plugin for submitting bug reports.
For the time being It's not allowed to sent bugreports directly without registering.
You can find the bugtracker (currently empty) at http://bugs.gamecreatures.com/